Massor av uppgifter till engelska boken.
Curious exercises to do!
Skrivet av: James Harding
Hope work experience is going well.
Here are some exercises I want you to have at least started before the next lesson (Tuesday week 6). Should be something for everyone - reading comprehension questions for the first and second half of the book, depending how far you´ve got. Look at the vocabulary exercise too. We´ll go through some of these on Tuesday.
To get to the exercises, click on "uppgifter" and then the folder.
Have fun!
The Curious Incident ... vocabulary to p.80:True or false?
- Wounds are what you get when you´re injured or attacked.
- A dog´s muzzle is around its legs.
- If you stroke a cat it might purr.
- If you are unable to do something you can´t do it.
- If a bucket is leaking, water will run out.
- You can´t trust a faithful friend.
- A silk scarf can scratch you.
- If you squat you are standing tall.
- An assault is an attack.
- Laces are what you tie your shoes with.
- You can use tweezers to pull out a nail.
- A paperclip holds papers together.
- Slander is when you write something nasty about someone that is not true.
- "He is the apple of my eye" means he really annoys me.
- Your nostril is part of your nose.
- A caution is what you get for doing something well.
- Cremated is another word for buried.
- Smoke comes out of a chimney on the roof.
- "I haven´t a clue" means I have no money at all.
- Labels on tins tell you what you are eating.
- Cutlery means plates, cups, and dishes.
- A groan is a noise made by a machine.
- You can eat slices of ham.
- The "prime suspect" is the person you think has commited a crime.
- If something is ridiculous it scares you.
- If a criminal is "at large" they haven´t been caught yet.
- Pocket money is what parents give their children every week.
- "I gathered that" means I didn´t understand.
- Water runs from the roof to the ground through a drainpipe.
- Being "impressed" by something is a positive thing.
- "Poo" is another word for a bear.
- You can tie a knot with string.
- If something is straightforward it is difficult to do.
- If you are concerned, you don´t really care about something.
- "What was the outcome?" means what was the result.
- If you confess to a crime you say you didn´t do it.
- Your intention is what you mean and want to do.
- 38 is a prime number.
The Curious Incident of the Dog ...
See if you can answer these questions
(Up to page 41)
- Who´s Mrs Shears?
- What´s the dog called?
- What kind of dog is it?
- Why are the chapter numbers so strange?
- Who is Siobhan?
- His Dad jokes: "His face was drawn but the curtains were real". Give 2 meanings for "drawn".
- At the police station Christopher has to empty his pockets. Name two things he had in them.
- How does Christopher like metaphors?
- What do he and his Dad do instead of hugging?
- Where is his mother?
- Why wouldn´t Christopher have Shreddies and tea for breakfast?
- Where does his Dad say his mother is first?
- What does he decide he´s going to do?
- Who´s Toby?
(Up to page 80)
- What is "Stranger Danger"?
- What is the first bit of real "detection" work he does?
- Who becomes Christopher´s first "Prime Suspect"?
- What are "Special Needs"?
- What is Christopher going to do that will prove he is not stupid?
- How did his Mum and Dad get on?
- What are some of Christopher´s "Behavioural Problems"?
- What does his father make him promise?
- What job does Christopher think he´d be good at (and why)?
- What phrase does he use to describe a bad day?
- What does he see that makes it a "Super Good Day"?
- What does he find out about Mr Shears?
- Who is Mrs Alexander and why is she important?
- What is "The Monty Hall Problem" in Maths he talks about?
The Curious Incident of the Dog ...
Can you answer these questions (page 83 - 202)?
- Who is Rhodri?
- What is Christopher´s favourite book?
- He likes it because there are "clues" and "Red Herrings". What are these?
- Why does Christopher like Sherlock Holmes?
- He says his memory is like a film. What does he mean?
- What caused the argument and fight between Christopher and his Dad?
- What are some of the reasons Christopher gives for hating yellow and brown?
- Where does his father take him to show he is sorry?
- Christopher talks about the fake fairy photographs and how "Occam´s razor" is true. What does this law say?
- What did Christopher find in his Dad´s room?
- What happened to his mother´s toes?
- According to Christopher´s mother, how do she and his father differ?
- How does Christopher react when he realizes his mother has been alive all this time?
- What else does his father reveal that shocks Christopher?
- Why, after that, does Christopher think he has to leave the house?
- How does he spend the night?
- Christopher says: "I see everything". What example does he give of this?
- How does Christopher feel about trying to get to the station?
- What does he often do to calm down and make his head clearer?
- What does the policeman help him to do?
- What happens as the train leaves?
- What happens after that?
Jaa, ha nu så roligt med alla dessa uppgifter. hahaha, det måste ju ta minst ett haft år!
Individuellt val
Undrar bara ifall någon hört något om hur det blir med Individuella valen.
Det här med teckenspråk och psykologi?
Vecka 4 | |||
21/1 | Chicken kebab med sötsur sås och ris* Falafel med sötsur sås och ris* | ||
22/1 | Ost- och skinksås med fusilli (pasta)* Ost- och grönsakssås med fusilli* | ||
23/1 | Ugnstekt falukorv med tomat- och örtsås, potatis* Grönsaksbiffar med tomat- och örtsås | ||
24/1 | Kokt fisk med purjolöksås och potatis* Kikärtsgryta med blomkål och potatis* | ||
25/1 | Blodpudding med keso och lingonsylt Potatisbullar med keso och lingonsylt |
Emo-Emil kommer ut ur garderoben.
Premiär 18/1, med reservation för ändringar.
lite information.. :)
Jag vill bara påminna er alla att på fredag och tisdag ska man spela upp sin pjäser på svenskan. Om det var någon som glömt bort det av någon anledning eller varit sjuk.
Det var väldigt kul och se alla fina power point presentation idag :-)
Ha det bra på praktiken imorgon !
/ Amanda
Lediga dagar denna termin, typ?:
25 Januari
v. 9, Sportlov
21 Mars (om man är ledig på Långfredagen, det är man, va?)
v.13, Påsklov
1-2 Maj
Om man inte litar på mig så kan man alltid spana in Fronter. Det är nog bäst att ni gör det, också.
Lena ska vara med oss denna termin också, fast måndagar & fredagar. Trevligt, trevligt..
Anyways, vi kan alltid pigga på oss med lite Graninge. Hare!
Matte prov
det var allt jag hade på hjärtat!
Vecka | BF1 | Övrigt |
2 | Sara lektion | |
3 | Kostprov + aktivitet | Idrottshallen |
4 | --------- | Studiedag |
5 | --------- | Kulturevenm. |
6 | Styrka/kondition | |
7 | Rytmik/dans | |
8 | Gym/nätspel | |
9 Sportlov | ---------- | |
10 | Skridskor | |
11 | Flaggfotboll | |
12 Lång fre. | ----------- | |
13 Påsklov | ----------- | |
14 | Nätspel | |
15 | ----------- | |
16 | Simning | |
17 | Volleyboll | |
18 Lov | ----------- | |
19 | Öppen för planering | |
20 | Friidrott | |
21 | Öppen för planering | |
22 | Öppen för planering | |
23 |
Sista veckan med "You-know-who" nu, va? Kämpa, kämpa!
Inställda lektioner den här veckan!
Svenskan på både torsdag och fredag är inställd.
Helene vill att vi ska träna och förbereda uppspelningen av sagor.
Hon är tillbaka nästa vecka, vecka 3.
Lycka till på praktiken idag!
Ses på pysslingen på onsdag =)
Btw. Är det någon som vet vad vi ska göra på pysslingen?
Kostprov v. 3 i idrottshallen
Hej alla i BF1angående idrottsprovet
Inför provet:
Det som vi gick igenom under teorilektionen och sidorna 4-7, 10-14, 17-20, 35 (ordlistan) + "visste du att" rutorna på anvisade sidor.
Vi kommer att skriva halva lektionen så var ombytta för aktivitet för den andra halvan.
Ta med penna!